
Are You Worth My Heart?

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will…

Priorities and Possibilities

We get into a love relationship or get married to spend time with someone else. When a love relationship begins to…

Dating and Courtship

Every person has ideas about the type of person they would like to marry. Dating and courtship are two types of social… 

When the Lockdown Wears You Down

 As of today, April 19, 2020 every country in the world and almost all of the world’s 7 billion people were under some form… 

Securing The Leader’s Family

 Leading family is ministry too. Actually, leading family should be #1 priority, a qualification for leading God’s Church… 

Are You Insecure or Too Secure

People who are insecure in their relationships do irrational things all the time. Texting their partner a several…

The Hidden Truths in Marriage

Relying on our own human ideas, desires, culture and traditions will cause us to fall short of God’s standards for marriage… 

The Hidden Truths in Marriage Part 2

Nobody marries to be miserable. We marry to be happy, to enjoy life with someone special to us. So, why do we have… 

Deepening Friendship in Marriage

Many friendships begin to weaken when one person feels a lack of care. Caring is manure for the growth of friendship…

Developing Trust

Honor your word. Promises to do something should be fulfilled. Jesus taught that the one who is faithful in… 

Dealing With In-Laws

There will always be people who will not like us as well as others. We should not ignore or despise others or treat them…

All We Need is Love: True or False

Love is a frequently used word, yet one of the most misunderstood. The same problem occurs when we apply it to…

Are You Prepared for Marriage?

Christian marriage does not just happen because both partners are followers of Jesus Christ. If a person has not learned…

Three Things Every Young Person Must Have

Daily life must reflect/show to all who I am and whose I am .Whatever I do must bring honor to God