About Us
Richard and Vivian have authored books; The Genesis of Marriage, Help! I Want to get Married, Securing Your Family, Investing in the Next Generation and co-authored How to Enjoy Your Marriage. They have also written several articles on marriage and preparing to marry.
Our Journey
Richard and Vivian Crabbe have been married for over 35 years. They have been in marriage ministry for 30 plus years, beginning with Family Life Mission (Ghana and Germany), and are certified marriage counselors. Additionally, Vivian is a member of the American Association of Christian Counsellors. Before moving in 2002 from their country, Ghana, to the U.S. they received training from Family Life Mission e.V. (Germany), a non-denominational and international institution for pastoral care and marriage counseling.

Our Ministry
In Ghana, the Crabbes ministered in churches across denominations and featured regularly on the premier radio program for relationships, Woman to Woman on GBC-FM in Accra. In the U.S. they have continued this ministry, featuring as speakers at church weekend programs, retreats and conventions. They have also ministered in various countries in Africa and Europe. Since 2007, they have hosted a monthly teleseminar on Relationships and Marriage organized by the PENSA-sponsored “Disciples of Christ Line (DC-Line),” targeted to young people across the U.S. and Canada. From September 2017, this program has been podcast to Internet listeners via http://beinspiredpodcast.com and linked to radio stations in the Caribbean and in Argentina, reaching listeners as far flung as Australia, Iceland, Ireland, India, Liberia, Peru, and the United Kingdom, and Ukraine. The Crabbes regularly speak on healthy relationships and marriage to youth and couples in churches across the U.S.
Our Books
Richard and Vivian Crabbe have authored a book, The Genesis of Marriage and co-authored another with Prof. Stephen and Mrs. Georgina Adei: How to Enjoy Your Marriage, a manual for counsellors. Their third book titled, Help! I Want to get Married, targeted to singles, is in the publishing process. A fourth one, Securing Your Family: Investing in the Next Generation, about parenting, and a fifth, Help! I Want to Stay Married, are underway.
Before leaving for the U.S. to work as a senior publications officer at the World Bank in Washington, DC, Richard headed Africa Christian Press, a Christian publishing house based in Accra; Vivian worked as a professional clothes designer, specializing in wedding outfits. The Crabbes have five daughters and live in Burke, Virginia, USA.

Get Support
At Dynamic Relationships we make counseling accessible and convenient – so anyone who struggles with family life challenges can get help, anytime, anywhere.

Committed To Helping Your Marriage Succeed
Building Strong Marriages
We have authored books and co-authored others with Prof. Stephen and Mrs. Georgina Adei.
We are the host on a monthly teleseminar on Relationships organized by the PENSA

Listen to our programs podcast to our Internet listeners and linked to radio stations globally
Read our articles that are updated regularly and cover all topic related to relationships